Friday, November 21, 2008

2 Already !?!

Man, time flies. Ava is 2? Really, 2 already. And, my how she has me wrapped around her little finger! Just last week, I'm enjoying a piece of cake, Ava didn't eat a very good dinner, and she came over with those beautiful brown eyes crying for a bite. I tried to resist, I really did, but couldn't and gave her a couple of bites. I can't wait to see what this is like when she's 13!

I love you, baby doll! Thanks for being such a great snuggler. Thanks for being such a good sister to Max and Lia. Thanks for that wonderful laugh. Thanks for all your "Do dit again!" when I'm tickling you or throwing you in the air. Thanks for melting my heart with your wonderful grin...

I seriously could go on and on, but I'll share some pics instead :)

Before you check out the new ones, take a quick sec to see what Ava looked like last year on her birthday (my what a difference 1 year makes)

I'm 2! Ava was in a great mood this morning for some pics.

My how I love her smile!

Famous Ava kiss!

Hey! I get to make an appearance on the blog. Woo-hoo!

Blowin' raspberries!

Ava will do anything for chocolate (which helped quite a bit for these pictures)