WOW!!!! I've been rocked by Allison & Mark. While checking out this blog post, please look for the following:
1. The "look." Both Mark and Allison showed it at one point or another during our session. You know, that look in the eyes that says, "I am head over heels in love with you and am so glad we get to spend the rest of our lives together." I love that look.
2. Horses
3. A German Shepherd that loves Mark & Allison, but not anyone else (apparently, I'm nowhere near as good as Cesar Millan yet)
4. Lots and lots of flare.
5. Lots and lots of love.
6. The wind. Allison, you may or may not like the windblown look, but I sure do :)
I'm not really this funny, but the horse eating my camera strap while taking this picture is :)

I love Bear hiding in the back of this one. He wouldn't come near me, but wouldn't leave their side. It made taking pictures interesting :)

Allison, you might hate this one (because of your hair), but I love it. You'll forever remember how windy it was, and, hey, your man is loving on you. Just look at your smile!