Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Family Blog

Ok, ok, so I've been posting a ton of pics of my kids on this blog since we started it way back in May of 2007, but the time has come for us to start our own personal family blog. We realized the other day that we forget so fast what our kids are doing, and no amount of pictures is going to bring back all the pain and suffering we went through last year potty training Max, which we've already forgotten what that was like.

So, what's gonna change on this blog. Well, absolutely nothing. I'll still be posting pics of our crazy kiddos here every now and then. So, if you're interested, head on over to check out our personal blog (and subscribe to the RSS feed if you REALLY care that much about us)

And, here's a lovely family portrait Max painted the other day (I photoshopped in his descriptions)