Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brad, Dawn, Luke & Bailey

Many people have heard me say that I'm "from" southern California...well, actually I was born there, but moved to Kansas City when I was 10. So, for the first few years of my life, I did live there, and when we moved, crazy as it sounds, I kept in touch with my friends. Still after all these years we all get together as much as possible when we make it out to visit.

One of those friends is Brad. He lived across the street and down about 5 houses from me when I lived in Anaheim Hills. Well, besides being the nicest guy in the world, he's now married with a 6 month old son (so cute) and a 9 week old chocolate lab puppy (again, so cute). So, I made it a point to do a few pics for them while I was out here. Enjoy!

I love these first 2 A LOT!!

Are those not the bluest eyes you've ever seen?

Look at this picture and tell me you don't want a lab puppy...

If you still don't want a lab puppy, you're LYING!!

Luke LOVED Jenny...all she had to do was say "Luke, Luke" in a really high pitched voice and he busted up laughing :)

Is that not the most adorable hat you've ever seen on a baby?

Look at that smile!

Get that hair!! I love Dawn's expression in this shot

Such a proud papa