Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Finger Painting Fun!!

This evening, Jenny and I decided to put our old paper background to good use. We were just going to throw it away, but what fun would that be, right? So, Jenny dug out the hidden finger paints that Max got for Christmas and we let Max & Zoey have at it.

Thanks Zoey for diving right in while Max was nervous. Of course, Mommy made me give Max the bath afterwards, and fun times were had by all!

Sorry for so many pictures, but I couldn't make up my mind which ones were my favorite.

Double High-Five!
Nervous Max
Starting to get the hang of it Max

Foot Painting!

Clap 'em together, what color does it make?

Now you got it, Max

Love this picture

Zoey's Feet

Can't wait to get into the bath Max

Belly Painting!

Up Close & Personal

How did you get it on your face?


How does it taste?